Teracotta Mug - directcreate.com

Teracotta Mug

1,472 (Incl. of all taxes)

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These Terracotta Cups by Rakhee Kane explore the history of India and bring them to shape through their exquisite form and intricate designs. Rakhee Kane, who is trained in ceramics and is also a distinguished painter explored the colors, textures and images of India through her cups. These cups hold the essence of “the golden bird”. Each cup carries the story of rural India and carries inside it a unique blend of traditional and modern.

Dimension Unit (LxWxH)

  • 3.50x3.00x3.50 Inch

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Direct Create
Direct Create is India's only bespoke, online creative community platform that is bringing makers, designers, and customers together to co-create customized, premium handcrafted objects

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