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Sandstone Carving
Sandstone carving in Odisha is an ancient and traditional craft form that has been passed on thru generations. Each region has a distinct form of carving and the style differs from one another. Boimara sandstone is abundantly available in the Lalitgiri hills in Odhisha from where craftsmen themselves cut the stone. Subjects are often traditional images, including mythological figures. Many of the sculptures represent local deities and figurines. Most of the carved stone figures are commissioned by temples from surrounding villages.
The styles are inspired by the sculptures found in Konark,Bhubaneshwar, the rock-cut caves of Khandagiri, Lalitgiri and Udayagiri, preserving an ancient tradition in Orissa. Figures of elephants and lions carved out of stone are also a common sight at temple entrances.
Contemporary usage has expanded today to include utilitarian items like candle stands, pen stands, paperweights, bookends, lamp bases and utensils.